Sunday, July 25, 2010

A good man deserves to be with somebody he loves. ( An irony?)

A good man deserves to be with somebody he loves

   Kosmo:25 July 2010 ( Mohon cerai melalui blog)

   Tajuk di atas menyentap tangkai hatiku pagi ini.Bukan apa, kerana tajuk itu, suasana sejuk bertukar menjadi panas.Maklumlah, makhluk bernama lelaki apabila bercakap soal 'cerai' 90%( mungkin 100% )menuding jari kepada perempuan.Seolah-olah perempuanlah penyebab mutlak perceraian walau pun kebanyakan kes lelaki yang patut dipersalahkan.Walau pun hakikatnya, lelaki sekarang tak ramai yang benar-benar lelaki kerana yang ramai cuma 'laki'.( atau 'daki')

  Bukan bersikap prejudis kerana banyak juga kes perempuan penyebab perceraian tetapi isu ini harus difikir dengan teliti.Perempuan jika benar-benar isteri takkan begitu mudah membuka pekung di dada cerita hal rumah tangga.Bagiku 'mamasita' tak boleh dipersalahkan 100%.Mana ada perempuan normal yang sanggup 'dimadukan' meski cuma dalam khayalan?Mamasita, biarlah dia dengan Ninanya kerana Tuhan lebih mengerti.....

  "And I am definitely a shameless fool" No,YOU ARE NOT!There's no point struggling to win his heart!Just follow your heart.I know your children will understand.30 years is not a waste since you gained a lot for experience.Better late than never since for him 'she' is better!Go for your right!Ahh!Just forget those who condemn cause there's lots more who give you their fully support.(BELIEVE ME!!!)

  I know there'll be many other wives in this world who will suffer the same fate in future.." You're right dear.I know that there's a lot not only in the future but at this right moment itself.The difference is, they have no guts like you do so the rotten swollen heart is kept deep inside.It's not an easy decision to make.I am pretty sure that children, family and even relatives ( because we are Malays)are those who women have to think about before making this such sad decision.

   Let the lady wave her magic wand! Go find your own one! It's not worth to fight tooth and nail for a so-called man who is so weak spelled by a wand.Let you be the witch yourself to fight for your life!It's not the end of the world.Go on with what you think is the best and don't think about the rest.I know it's like stabbing a blunt knife into your heart but you already have your guts so keep on going!And here I am, thinking ...... when can I have the guts?



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