Sunday, May 30, 2010

A cat is a human, a human is a cat.

   Today, I read about a baby being stepped by her mother in China. I don't know what to say since mothers should be rich with love. It reminded me of my cats ( I have 7 cats ;Ibu,Winda, Bayu, Panji, Kiah,Milo and the baby,Dastan.Opps!Plus one named Tompok, my adopted cat,which came to my house  2 months ago looking for food )

   Last month,Winda gave birth to 3 cute babies.Winda is still so young and she doesn't really know how to take care of her babies.Ibu, the eldest also gave birth to 3 little kittens;immature.Ibu's babies could not survive thus making Ibu behaved like a mother suffering from post natal syndrome. Then after 2 days, to my astonishment, Ibu breast fed Winda's babies.Winda left the babies all to Ibu. It's like a deal since Ibu breast fed them but Winda cleaned the babies. After a month, only a baby survived ( Dastan ) and Ibu still breast feeds him.

   If a cat, an animal can show the love towards the little ones, why not us human being? I believe no beliefs allow us ( the followers) to ill-treat our own flesh and blood. Whatever it is, blood is thicker than water so how deep the hatred is, there is no reason for us to step on or abuse our own children.They are precious gifts given by God.So love them.Be a 'cat's mother ( like Ibu)' because we don't want to see one day 'a cat is a human but a human is a cat'(Or don't want to see anymore since it has already happenend in China before)


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