Sunday, June 20, 2010

And I hate that!!!

   A man needs a woman.A woman needs a man. It is a fact. In a relationship ( of course marriage) a man is the one who should be the breadwinner.(or the sole breadwinner).So if the wife does work, it is a bonus as to help the husband who is so-called the sole breadwinner.But what happen today, a woman is the sole breadwinner.There are many cases show that the husbands just stay at home doing nothing and do not willing to lend their hands in the chores.For the pensioners it is different since they still have income so they are not considered as irresponsible.

  I believe that a wife is not that mean as to label her spouse an irresponsible person if the husband is a sensible person.Helping doing the chores means a lot to an exhausted sole breadwinner wife.A wife will understand if the husband cannot find a job due to unavoided reasons.But unfortunately most husbands today ( that I know )are so choosy as if they are the best so they must get the best job with the best pay eventhough the fact is they are the worst.When a man who is so-called a husband cum a sole breawinner has no pride, the woman will be the man, the father and the husband eventhough she is still a woman, a mother and a wife.So,for a long time, in present and future, a woman has to suffer with a deep wound inside her heart.As for the family, everything goes topsy-turvy!And I hate that!!!


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