Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Someone was watching us!

     Malaysians like ghost story.Opps!Maybe Malays like ghost story.So, I would like to share my experience about ghost which happened 11 years ago.11 years ago I was really workaholic.I did my work in school but after 9 p.m. I used to come to school to do other work.I marked my students books, prepared for the next lesson etc.Since my house is(it is, until now) just opposite the school,I always spent hours at night at the school accompanied by my two daughters.

  One day, as usual, after dinner my daughters and I went to the school. I marked my students books whereas my eldest daughter did her homework.My youngest was 3 so she just played around.Suddenly, while I was busy marking the books, the computer was on.I thought someone was there but when I checked ( I was doing my work in the same room) there was no one.Then I decided to switch it off.To my astonishment, I found out that the electricity was not on at all!I don't know how to explain my feelings.I was scared but at the same time I thought maybe my daughter played with it.Then I continued my work.

   Ten minutes later, the phone rang.I picked up the phone but I could only hear the hissing sound like the wind blowing.Feeling frightened I hung up the phone and started to pack up my things.I had to leave.Then the phone rang again. I asked my daughter to pull the connection wire out but yet it was still ringing.I knew that it was not someone pulling my legs but perhaps 'someone' was monkeying about with my feelings!I could not take it anymore!So, I took all my things and went out.

  When I was picking out the key to lock the door, my youngest daughter said that she wanted to pee.I got no choice but to enter the room again.There was a toilet in the room.I sent my daughter in and I waited nervously at the door.Since she was too young I did not close the door. Just opposite the toilet was a mirror.I turned to the mirror and I saw...My goodness!I could not believe my eyes!It was there in the mirror!A white creature without face that looked exactly like a 'pocong'( a ghost ) was just behind me!I could see its image in the mirror.I looked back but I did not see anything.My daughter was still inside doing her business.Then I looked at the mirror again and it still standing there.It was not so white but quite dirty as if the colour was fading.I asked my daughter to be hurry then without wasting any time or looking behind again, we went home.

  I could feel as if someone was watching us. Luckily the guard was at the gate and he watched us while we were walking home.Once home, I looked at the clock and it was 12.12 a.m!The next day, I could not get up.I had a terrible fever for a week.I was indeed so scared but I did not tell anyone until two months later when the guard said that he,himself saw the same 'someone'at the same place around the same hour!It sounds ridiculous but it really happened to me.I hope that the same 12.12 a.m. incidence will never happen again.Do you believe me?


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